2018.08.31Other countries
Information(留学希望の方 記事一覧)
2018.03.14Other countries
2017.10.28Other countries
Foods Produced in Japan Lack Certification Required by the Olympic Games
2017.08.18Other countries
「日本留学AWARDS 2017」西日本地区 専門学校部門 大賞を受賞!
2017.03.31Other countries
Enrollment Guide 2018 (International Students) PDF File OPEN(5 Languages)
2017.02.14Other countries
It was posted on the website of China
2017.02.10Other countries
Tsuji Culinary Institute will hold a symposium "Prospect of World Gastronomy" on 23 Feb 2017
2016.11.16Other countries
Highlighting JAPAN vol.103
2016.11.01Other countries